A Progressive Christian Community Church
Everyone is invited to share in the Eucharist - there is a place at the table for everyone.
Stained glass by Dana Boussard.
A Perspective
Our identity is that of a people on a journey. We are a faith-filled people, striving to preserve the rich traditions of our faith and to live in a community which reflects the gospel message of Jesus of Nazareth.
Our community is centered in the Eucharist and the Word. In this tradition, we meet to celebrate and renew our commitment to Jesus, who we believe is present and active in our midst. Our liturgical celebrations are rooted in the early Christian Community and Creation-centered Spirituality. The words to our music come from psalms, scripture and people rooted in faith.
We continually seek to rediscover and celebrate the best of our traditions, embracing that which enhances the development of spirituality and community. We affirm the gifts of all members toward full participation in the ministry and life of our community..
With faith and enthusiasm, we seek to capture the spirit of faith communities everywhere who seek justice and peace and who long and work for the Kindom or the Dream of God to be fulfilled. We wish everyone well in this effort.
A Progressive Christian Community established in June 1982.
Because of our belief in the Church as Community,
We choose to be a community that dances and sings in spite of tendencies to despair and cynicism.
We choose to have no superiors or inferiors among us.
We affirm the dignity and giftedness of women, men and children.
We commit ourselves to a language that is inclusive and expands the image of God.
We choose to reach out beyond our limited horizons to people who are in need, and we will continue to tithe to the poor and needy.
We commit ourselves to grow in faithfulness to God, the Word, one another, and the whole human family.
We affirm our love and care for the Earth and resolve to plant seeds of life and goodness and to nurture all that is good.
We commit ourselves to working for peace and justice in our world.
We commit ourselves to living out this vision of a church without regard for the cost.